Developing growth strategies for a surgery clinic chain

Surgery Clinic Chain

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This New York chain had various payment sources which came with different timelines for payment. This coupled with scattered data across an EMR system and excel files left management unclear on financial performance.

“Right now our data on surgeries is scattered across multiple EMR systems and manual excel files. This is a nightmare and we need a unified view of our financials fast ...

We first gathered cash-based statements from their accounting provider, then integrated projected receivables for services already rendered. To make this possible, we designed a structured approach for consolidating data from Excel files and the various EMR systems they had used, transforming siloed information into a single, consolidated view. This gave the clinic insight into both its current financial status and a realistic forecast of future income, allowing the leadership team to make data-based decisions on their future plans.

“Our revenue streams are more predictable than we realized—let’s reinvest in expansion to capitalize on this momentum.”

With newfound visibility into significant incoming revenue over the next 12 months, the clinic decided to broaden its service lines and bring on additional marketing resources to attract more clients. To do this, we helped them analyze various service lines and choose the ones with highest potential. Additionally, we also helped them change their incentive program for sales and marketing to more closely line up with the updated growth strategy.

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